Cat Walks Into A Grocery Store And Picks Food
What would you do if you ever witnessed a cat select food just as a human would? It's definitely hard to imagine, but it happened in real life. It was an ordinary day in a deli grocery store when the clerk’s favorite customer came into the store. Just watch as the clerk stands behind the meat counter ready to help the special customer chose what he would like to eat.
In case you are wondering what makes this customer so special, this customer is a cat. And apparently, it is this cat's usual routine to come into the deli grocery store to get a piece of meat. I just love how this cat walks in just like a human would and stands in line to order a meal.
While the cat was looking at all of the delicious meat, the clerk lifted up a few pieces to see what his loyal customer was interested in. The cat looked like he was thinking long and hard about what to pick. And the clerk knew just when the cat was satisfied with a choice because he would tap on the glass to make a selection. That's when the clerk happily handed over a small piece of meat. What a crazy sight to see!