Southerners On Why Gnat Season Is The Worst
Every Southern knows that summertime comes at a cost. We love when the weather gets warmer and we can finally stay outside for those beautiful summer nights. But the warm weather also brings some unwelcome visitors, specifically gnats.
There's nothing worse than having to swat and bat those annoying little things as they buzz all around your head. And even though you lather up with bug spray and light all the citronella candles, the gnats still find a way to get you. You'll find them on your food, in your drinks and buzzing in your ear. It can truly become an annoyance that will drive you crazy after too long. A lot of times, you just have to give up and go inside and nobody wants to do that.
These funny Southerners know the struggle and their hilarious depiction of gnats will have you rolling on the floor with laughter. Who else can relate to this?