Woman Explains Abuse That Leaves No Bruises

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Helen Walmsley-Johnson was in an abusive relationship for years but she never had a single bruise on her body. After Helen met her boyfriend, he began to emotionally batter her in something that is now called coercive control. She was swept off her feet but right after, he started to give her 'suggestions' and tell her thinks she should do.

Her boyfriend tried to disguise it as flattery or taking care of her, but after years, Helen realized that he controlled everything about her life. She constantly had to ask his permission to do things, he told her what to wear, what to eat and even followed her to track her whereabouts. This type of abuse happens over time and breaks spirits and robs victims of their sense of identity.

Today, Helen is telling her story on the talkshow This Morning and it's truly a tale we all need to hear. Helen never thought she'd be in a relationship like this so now she wants to warn other women of the signs so they do not fall into this type of relationship either. If you or someone you know if a victim of coercive control, please reach out for help. It could truly save a life.

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