Job12 Lesson 12 Chapters 35 to 37 Elihu speaks more and more
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1.What are the benefits of living right? Clear Conscience or Peace,Joy,Emotional Health,Intimacy with God.Purpose and direction and,Eternal Rewards in Heaven 2. We can be inspired by the Holy Spirit. We have to learn when to stop talking and not get prideful.3.If you do what God says you will have prosperity.Obedience leads to life, disobedience leads to death.This is talking about spiritual prosperity. 4. We can make our riches our God.We must be generous to god in our tithes, service, and gifts.? When you bless others spiritually you get blessed Spiritually.5.God is not unfair or unjust He is all powerful.God loves and is interested in the smallest area of our life.
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